About SMM IHRC - SMM IHRC-Special Monitoring Mission

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"Because what we do today, we do for Generations"
International Human Rights Commission
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The Special Monitoring Mission International Human Rights Commission (SMM IHRC)
was established by the Secretary General
Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin WASIK decision in 2018.
The construction of the structures, under the leadership of  
Master Volunteers Coordinator - MVC SMM IHRC
Ambassador at Large Daniel BLASZCZYK,
began in middle of 2024.  Today in mid-2024, our Great SMM IHRC Family brings together tens of thousands of people from nearly 120 countries. Organized in strong teams, under the leadership of national, regional and zonal coorinators as international leaders, each day they make a priceless contribution to the fight for freedom, prosperity and human rights, human life and security at the local and international level.

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