ADEVIC - SMM IHRC-Special Monitoring Mission

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"Because what we do today, we do for Generations"
International Human Rights Commission
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Workshops and Training > Africa > Cabo Verde
International day for people with deficiency
In commemoration of the international day for the deficients 3rd of December 2020, International Human rights commission Cape Verde and Association for the visual deficients (ADEVIC) organized an event today with the intention of celebrating this day with them and also reemphasizing on the fact that social integration is not sufficient for the deficients, we need to create a society where real Social Inclusion a reality and it's being practised.
There were lots of singing, dancing and cultural presentations ADEVIC being a part of International Human rights commission expressed their needs on behalf of all deficients in Cape Verde and the world at large to help on securing and defending their rights at every point in time.

Special thanks to the Ministry of Culture, CV Telecom and other institutions represented.
Dr. Princess Adewoyin
National Coordinator ( Cabo Verde) International Human Rights Commission
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